I’ve been dealing with my ADHD for a long time. As a matter of fact, I’ve been dealing with it since I’ve been born. When I was younger, I basically just accepted that this was the way I am, I didn’t really make any effort to change anything.

But that’s not really working for me, it’s a struggle. So after some poking around on the web, here’s some things I’ve collected.


The idea is that you do anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes of exercise each day, and that it tires you out in a way. Also, this is probably good for my health.

I think I’m going to add this to my morning routine, and maybe even after coming back from school.


Accept the fact that if you try to do things like most people do, it’s just not going to work. Don’t do things like most people do --- one by one --- feel free to skip around. Setup your environment the way it works for you, the most convenient way.

Distraction Pad

Keep a notepad, or maybe just a few sticky notes on you. Anything that pops into your while working? Write it down and forget about it so you don’t dwell on it and get distracted.

Update (Jan 14, 2023): This one is working really well.

Be Spontaneous

This one is simple. If you think of something you should do, and you don’t have anything critical, go do it.

Listen to Your Brain

Sometimes I look at things like “oh I should probably pick this up”, but I never don’t. Obviously, I should be listening to this voice in my head, but this is going to be a difficult. Hopefully some other things provide motivation for this.

Just Do It

Yes it’s promotional company material, but it’s also good advice. Apply the same mindset that you have for school or work. You have to do it. Don’t even stop to consider when you should do it, just do it, don’t think too much about it.


  1. Work on the task for 25 or 50 minutes

  2. Take a 5 or 10 minute break

  3. Go to step 1 until 4 work sessions have been completed

    • Alternative method: Go to step 1 until task is finished
  4. Take a 20-25 or 40-45 minute break

  5. Go to step 1 until the task is completed

This sounds like a really good thing, but I’ve never tried it before although I am really wanting to. Definitely will try this. People have reported using the longer version (50, 10, 45) being more effective, but I’ll test both.

Update (Jan 14, 2023): What I’ve found is that the shorter version works better. With the 10 minute breaks, I lose the will to keep working near the end. However if I get shorter breaks, it’s not nearly enough, so I continue.


  1. Make a list of things you need to do

  2. Read the list, pick what jumps out to you

  3. Work on it until you lose motivation or you finish

  4. Remove that item from the list, if you didn’t finish replace it with smaller tasks

  5. Go to step 1

No idea how this is going to go for myself. I’ve tried similiar methods in the past of my own making, from a simple list to a point based reward system, but it’s hard to follow it. Maybe this one will be different, I’m not sure.