Iโ€™ve been meaning to setup something like a digital garden or blog, and so here I am. I was previously using Capacities, after trying Obsidian which didnโ€™t have web access. Capacities wasnโ€™t really what I was looking for, it was more of a note taking app, so I decided to stick to the basics. Just a bunch of Markdown files.

After digging into the rabbit hole for a solid hour, I discovered Quartz, a simple static site generator for digital gardens. Itโ€™s very customizable and easy to deploy. Iโ€™ve currently deployed this site to Cloudflare Pages. Itโ€™s my favorite static host as you get virtually unlimited bandwith.

Iโ€™m considering purchasing a subscription of omg.lol, which Iโ€™ve heard allows you to use custom DNS, so if I do end up getting it, Iโ€™m going to put that here.

Iโ€™m just starting this site off, so there isnโ€™t much content for now.